Today I watched a TEDx talk from Ron Schaich, founder of Panera Bread. I had read about the talk in Wired Magazine, which is an awesome publication if you have never checked it out.
First off, I didn't know there was a TEDx. Apparently it's like an official sin-off of the TED series, not necessarily put on by the TED people. My question is, why do they use the name then? It's either part of the TED series or it's not right? It'd be like going to a McDonald'sX and ordering spaghetti.
That being said, I get why TED wouldn't want to include this one in its series. It's less of a lecture and more just a 20 minute commercial for Panera. Schaich beats us over the head with what a great guy he is and how awesome his company is, under the guise of sociological research into the spending habits of customers.
I mean, look at this dude. I hate to stereotype but if I saw this dude's picture I'd assume "oh, this dude owns a billion dollar company. And he likes to talk about it."
old. white. male. bald. I just won "billionaire ceo" bingo
So this is what he talks about- Panera, in an effort to give back to the community, has started a cafe where customers can pay whatever they'd like. There are no set prices, only recommendations, and no one turned away. The proceeds go to charity, and people are getting fed. So that's great. I'm all for that.
I think the concept is amazing- I'd love to see how people react to a business that allows them to set their own prices. Would people over pay? Under pay? Pay at all? If you relied solely on the kindness of strangers, could you stay open?
But the way he comes off, man it just drives me up the wall! I should preface that one of my biggest pet peeves in the world is immodesty or a feeling of self-importance. Almost to a fault. Basically I have a hard time liking people that already like themselves. I'm much more apt to admire people who think they should be doing more; who spend time complaining they aren't doing enough instead of patting themselves on the back. Especially when it comes to companies because: 1. they have a million times the resources that individuals do. So a business would have to be doing A LOT of good before I take a minute to applaud them. Considering the amount of revenue companies make. 2. Businesses will only do what makes them a profit. Their goal isn't to make the world a better place, or to help those in need, it's to make a profit. So I'm weary of any company that seems to put profit to the side to help others. It's just a more intricate business plan, one that takes good reputation or tax write offs or something like that into account.
The whole thing reminded me of the Ben Stiller episode of Extras. His monologue sums up the idea that you can do a good deed and still have selfish motives.
So is Panera, and Ron Schaich, doing a good thing? Yes, absolutely. I wish this project nothing but success. Does that mean I have to pat him on the back, or worse, applaud him for patting his own back? No sir.
You can watch the talk here:
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