Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 74: Reggie Watts TED Talk

Today I watched comedian/musician Reggie Watt's TED talk. It was short, bizarre and wonderful. I've been a fan of his for a few years, enjoying his comedy and his music both. I saw him perform at Bonnaroo a couple years back and loved it.

Reggie Watts

Reggie basically parodies TED. He pokes fun at the long winded lectures with big words and rambling structure and its overly-indulgent tone. I love TED talks as much as anyone but Watts does a good job pointing out how tedious they can seem. 

His poetic parodies are segmented by his special brand of beatboxing and vocal mixing. His use of technology and his skills with beat boxing are out of this world. He creates things you will not believe can be man-made. 

You can watch the video here. 

And here's one of his awesome music videos, "Fuck Shit Stack". It's NSFW, obviously:

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