Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 66: Cruise Inc

Today I watched a crappy little CNBC special called "Cruise Inc: Big Money on the High Seas". It was basically a 45 minute commercial for cruise lines.

What I learned: I know very little about how cruises operate, so I was ready to learn. I was taught a handful of fascinating trivia that has already escaped my memory (stuff like, every day the ship goes through a million pounds of bacon). All the information presented was to further the underlying point that: the boat is very successful, popular, and well off.

What I liked: Easily the best part was when they talked about the entertainment. Among young improvisers here in Chicago, the prospect of working cruise ships ranks just below SNL and above Madtv. You get to perform for boring rich white people all day, who will about laugh at anything, you get to live on a boat and see the world, and you get all the buffet you can handle. What's not to like?

What I didn't like: Seriously the whole thing felt like one big commercial. But to be fair all of the CNBC specials do.

So if you have 45 mins to kill and want to learn about boats, check this out.

You can watch it on netflix instant.

You can watch the cool seen about the boat entertainment here.

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