Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 85: Jeff Broz Star Wars Footage

Today I watched 7 minutes of unauthorized footage of Return of the Jedi being filmed in California in 1982 by someone named Jeff Broz. I have no clue who he is. I get the feeling he worked on the set or maybe he just snuck in one day and started recording.

The footage isn't that great. By that I mean, nothing of note happens. The scenes being filmed take place on Tatooine as Jabba is about to execute Luke, Han and Chewie by throwing them into the Sarlacc Pit. In the movie, this is very exciting. In real life it involves a lot of wires, large animatronic puppets, and a lot of standing around. There are no close up shots, no interviews with the cast or crew, just wide screen shots that look like they might have been captured through a barbed wire fence on a really windy day.

This "film" made me realize there are limits to my obsessions. As a die hard fan of the first 3 movies I've sat through my share of painful experiences in the name of Star Wars; Jar Jar, Jake Lloyd, and of courses this-

I'll sit through just about anything that has the SW name attached to it, but I draw the line at 7 mins of grainy footage of Boba Fett being tossed around on a mini-crane like Mary Martin in Peter Pan. I'm not offended by it, it doesn't bother me, I'm just not interested. I've reached the edge of my interest in Star Wars and it's this film. 

I found this while googling SW pictures. This falls well into the realm of Star Wars things I like: 

You can watch the film here:

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