Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 27: Life of Mammals (Opportunists)

I've never been a big fan of mammals. Or more specifically, learning about mammals. When I want to learn about nature I'm drawn to the exotic or the bizarre. Give me a deep-sea crab any day of the week.

But if anyone was going to teach me about mammals, let it be BBC and David Attenborough.

What I learned: This episode was about opportunists, specifically in regards to eating habits. We learn about how raccoons search for food with their hands; they use as much brain power to feel for food as humans do using their eyes. We followed a bear through the seasons as he prepared for hibernation, then came out and began refueling; a bear can lose up to a third of its weight during hibernation. Then we spent some time in the sewers watching rats; it was pretty gross. 

What I liked: Helped me develop an overall interest in mammals. With the exception of apes and gorillas, mammals seem too 'normal' a creature to warrant a documentary. These episodes are definitely changing that for me.  

What I didn't like: They showed a type of skunk that hangs out in bat caves and waits for baby bats to fall off the ceiling so they can find them and eat them. When it's a skunk versus a bat I really don't know who to root for. I think no matter who wins, it's still gonna be gross. The whole thing just bummed me out. (FYI- the skunk won and the baby bat was eaten alive.)

What you need to take away from this post is that raccoons stole the show. Here's a bunch of them in a hammock:

These episodes can be watched on Netflix. 

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